Indoor vs Outdoor

This is often a big topic, whether any cat should be kept indoors but there are certain breeds that just don't do well, being left to wander the streets - Persians, Ragdolls and of course Maine Coons are some of them. Firstly, Maine Coons have long fur as we know and easily attract twigs, dirt and unwanted pests (fleas and ticks). Grooming is exceptionally difficult when a Maine Coon has walked through a bush, grass or indeed a field of ticks. Secondly, Maine Coons are incredibly docile, laid-back creatures and would happily waltz into a road of oncoming traffic or even the arms of someone else! They are in fact, excellent hunters and would do well on a rural farm catching mice and rats but for the most part, Maine Coons are far better kept indoors.


That being said, if you have the space, a 'catio' is a terrific alternative. Ask any catio owner, they really are one of the best inventions ever! A catio, is basically a secure cat patio that sits outside, allowing your cat to access the outdoors in a safe and sterile way. It is an enclosed area, with perhaps cat trees or even branches, shelves, hammocks, their litter tray and anything else you think your cat might enjoy. Your coon can now enjoy the sights and smells of nature, listen to the birds singing, inhale fresh air, lounge around in the sun and feel the wind through their fur, all in your knowledge and relief that they are away from harm. Catios provide stimulation, health benefits and in my opinion, make a cat more confident and relaxed around noises, that you might not here indoors. I can honestly say that having had the pleasure of providing catios to our Maine Coons, we wouldn't ever want to be without them. They truly are magnificent and I know our cats feel the same!


Another alternative, is training your kitten to walk on a leash. Sounds odd right? However, Maine Coons do very well when it comes to learning to walk with a leash and jacket. This way, you can take your kitten out with you but in a safe and controlled way, and of course they thoroughly enjoy the adventure!